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Festivus Preparations

Posted in Flowers, Plants & Trees, Garden Features, Hardware & Tools, Landscape & Rural Scenery, Outdoor Spaces, Swimming Pool, and Water Features

On an overcast Friday the 13th, Sir Dino, Patton Oswalt and comedian Chad Opitz, taking a break from their Festivus preparations, spot Lenny Kravitz at the Cheesecake Factory and listen to his new upcoming album, “Blue Electric Light”

In a land where time has no bounds, Sir Dino McRex, the time traveling dinosaur, finds himself in a quaint backyard on a peculiar Friday the 13th. With his trusty companions, the witty Patton Oswalt and the hilarious Chad Opitz, they are on a quest to find the perfect aluminum pole for their upcoming Festivus celebration.

Stepping into the backyard, Sir Dino, with his towering height, gazes upon the ancient trees that surround the area. He feels a kinship with them, admiring the majestic woodland guardians that have watched over many Festivus holiday celebrations. The leaves are turning yellow, and Sir Dino wonders if the trees are also time-traveling through the seasons.

Patton, always quick with his sharp wit, points out the swimming pool and says, “Look, Dino, a watering hole! But with way less mud and angry reptiles and other bitey things than you’re used to!” The pool’s blue waters shimmer, and the decorative tiles on the edge look like ancient hieroglyphics to Sir Dino’s eyes.

Chad, never missing a beat, chimes in, “I bet Sir Dino could use that pool as a bathtub, but where’s the rubber ducky?”

Having spotted the long aluminum pole laying on the ground, they agree that it will be more than suitable for their Festivus holiday and move closer to the swimming pool to pick it up.

Their immediate mission fulfilled, Sir Dino’s stomach starts to rumble. Patton suggests they should find something to eat. Chad, a twinkle in his eye, says, “I know just the place! The Cheesecake Factory down the road, where modern humans feast!”

Getting ever closer to The Cheesecake Factory, Sir Dino is amazed by the variety of smells and sounds. They enter the restaurant, and to their astonishment, they see Lenny Kravitz sitting at the bar.

Sir Dino, being a huge fan, approaches Lenny and introduces himself and his companions. Lenny, unfazed by the presence of a time traveling dinosaur, greets them warmly. They all decide to sit together.

As they peruse the menu, Lenny suggests the avocado eggrolls, and Sir Dino is intrigued by the fusion of flavors. Patton orders a cheesecake for the table, and Chad cracks jokes that have everyone in stitches.

While they enjoy their meal, Lenny shares stories of his musical journey, and Sir Dino talks about the wonders of time travel. They all feel a sense of camaraderie and decide to invite Lenny to join them in their Festivus celebration in a few weeks.

When the cheesecake arrives, the table falls silent for a moment to admire the creamy delight. They all dig in, and Sir Dino finds the taste absolutely prehistoric—in the best way possible!

Lenny then surprises them by revealing that he has a copy of his new upcoming album titled “Blue Electric Light” with him. They are all thrilled and he plays the album with the volume blasting at eleven.

The soulful tunes of “Blue Electric Light” fill the air, and the group experiences a sublime energy around them. The album is a mix of rock and soul, and Sir Dino, having listened to all sorts of music throughout history, feels like it transcends time, much like his travels. They all share stories, laugh, and enjoy the cheesecake while listening to Lenny’s album. The Cheesecake Factory staff and other patrons join in, and it becomes a mini-celebration.

As the night comes to an end, Sir Dino, Patton and Chad thank Lenny Kravitz for the incredible experience. They all agree that this unexpected meeting was the perfect start to their Festivus preparations.

And so, on an overcast autumn Friday the 13th, Sir Dino McRex, Patton Oswalt, Chad Opitz and Lenny Kravitz consider themselves lucky to have been a part of this timeless adventure.

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