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The Naughty Bear

Posted in Garden Features, Landscape & Rural Scenery, Outdoor Spaces, Swimming Pool, and Water Features

Sir Dino and Patton Oswalt spend all Halloween day cleaning up after a naughty bear from Virginia takes a bath in the swimming pool, And Pete Holmes, promoting his new Netflix special, dresses up as the spooky ghost of Houdini with a #trickortreat basket.

On a spooky autumn day, Sir Dino McRex, the time-traveling dinosaur, and Patton Oswalt, the comedian, are in the midst of an epic Halloween pool cleaning adventure. Sir Dino, with his scaly skin and mighty tail, is using his claws to fish out leaves from the clear blue water of the rectangular pool. Patton, wearing a hilarious vampire costume, is animatedly telling jokes while skimming the water with a net.

They are both astonished by the mess created by a mischievous bear from the glamorous city of Reston, Virginia that decided to take a dip in the cold water. The bear, now nowhere to be seen, has left the pool littered with leaves and twigs.

In his deep, rumbling voice, Sir Dino exclaims, This water is absolutely freezing! What has happened to our swimming pool?!” Patton replies with a smirk, “It seems a bear from my neck of the woods decided to have a pool party last night, and he didn’t even bother to invite us!”

The surrounding trees, their leaves in shades of green, brown and orange, seem to be watching the duo as they clean. The trees’ reflections in the pool’s water create a mirror effect, making it look like an enchanted forest.

Sir Dino, having visited all of the most interesting moments in history, tells Patton stories of ancient forests and lost civilizations while they work. Patton, in return, keeps the mood light with his witty humor.

The sky above them is partly cloudy with hints of blue, as if nature is waiting to see the pool returned to its former glory. They both work tirelessly, sharing laughs and stories, until they are interrupted by a spooky figure approaching. It’s comedian Pete Holmes, dressed as the ghost of Houdini, complete with chains and a straitjacket. He’s also carrying a pumpkin-shaped trick-or-treat basket filled to the brim with candy. His Halloween costume is so convincing that Sir Dino takes a step back, mistaking him for a real ghost.

With his characteristic enthusiasm, Pete greets them and tells them he’s promoting his new special titled “I Am Not For Everyone” on Netflix. Patton and Sir Dino are thrilled, and they all decide to take a break from cleaning to discuss Pete’s new special.

As they sit out in the crisp afternoon air, the conversation shifts to the problem of the naughty bear from Virginia that took a bath in the pool. Sir Dino, un accustomed to dealing with large, stupid mammals, suggests blasting annoying K-pop music to deter the bear. Patton, always the joker, suggests they should subject the bear to sarcasm and disapproving stares.

Pete, still in his Houdini costume, has a brilliant idea. He decides to use the Halloween candy from his pumpkin-shaped trick-or-treat basket to lure the bear back into the forest.

They all agree and start laying a trail of candy from the poolside into the dense foliage. Reaching the edge of the forest, they see the bear peeking from behind a tree, curiously watching them.

Trying their best to keep quiet, Pete, Sir Dino and Patton hide behind a bush and watch as the bear sniffs the candy and starts following the trail. The bear seems delighted with the treats and continues to follow the trail deeper into the forest.

After ensuring that the bear is far enough away from their neighborhood, the three clever and courageous friends head back to the pool. They decide to finish cleaning and then celebrate their victory with a Halloween pool party.

As night falls, the pool is sparkling clean, and the trio, along with some friends, are enjoying a Halloween party with spooky decorations, laughter and stories of their adventurous day.

Sir Dino McRex, Patton Oswalt and Pete Holmes, having successfully lured the naughty bear from Reston, Virginia back into the forest, make a toast to friendship, creativity and the magic of Halloween.

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