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The Adventure of Perfect Balance

Posted in Cleaning & Maintenance, Products & Packaging, and Swimming Pool

Sir Dino and Patton Oswalt achieve the perfect water chemistry balance and drink a few too many daiquiris at their epic pool party.

In a kitchen with a countertop reminiscent of the prehistoric era’s rocky terrain, a time-traveling dinosaur named Sir Dino McRex and the renowned comedian Patton Oswalt are huddled together, preparing for the most epic pool party of both the Cretaceous period and the 21st century.

Sir Dino holds the HTH 6-Way Test Strips in his tiny claws as his scaly tail swishes excitedly. The packaging, which looks like a relic from the future to him, boasts a blue wave that reminds him of the ancient oceans he used to swim in. Patton quips in his signature witty tone, “I bet you never thought you’d need to test for chlorine in the Cretaceous seas, huh Dino?”

Sir Dino, trying to read the text with his dino-eyes, sees that the strips test for Free Available Chlorine, Bromine, pH, Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, and Cyanuric Acid. He’s fascinated by the color chart on the back, which looks like a rainbow of possibilities to his ancient eyes. Patton, wearing a lab coat for dramatic effect, explains to Dino that they can use these strips to ensure the pool water is perfectly balanced for their guests.

Just as they are about to dip a test strip into a water sample, there’s a knock at the door. Sir Dino, with his tail still swishing, opens the door to find a suave water snake wearing glasses and holding a calculator. “Greetings, I am Sir Pentine Fibonacci, the Mathematician Water Snake, at your service!” he announces with a flourish.

Patton, never one to miss a beat, welcomes him in and asks if he’s here for the pool party. Sir Pentine nods and says, “Indeed, I am here to partake in the delightful daiquiris and bask in the warm embrace of the pool water. But first, let me assist you with the calculations for the perfect pH and chlorine levels.”

As they all gather around the countertop, Sir Pentine Fibonacci whips out complex mathematical formulas to calculate the ideal water conditions. Sir Dino is in awe, and Patton is cracking jokes that have even the stoic Sir Pentine chuckling.

Once they have the pool water perfectly balanced, the trio heads out to the poolside. Sir Dino has whipped up a batch of prehistoric punch, while Patton has mixed some modern-day daiquiris. Sir Pentine, with his mathematical precision, has created a cocktail that he calls “The Golden Ratio”, which is a perfect blend of ingredients.

Under the warm glow of the setting sun, the trio, along with other guests from various time periods, are lounging by the swimming pool, sipping on their drinks, and sharing stories. Sir Dino is regaling everyone with tales of the Cretaceous period, while Patton has everyone in stitches with his jokes. Sir Pentine is solving math problems in between sips of his Golden Ratio.

As the night progresses, they all indulge in one too many daiquiris. They share stories, laugh, and even attempt to solve mathematical equations in their tipsy state.

Eventually, they decide to take a break from the pool and sit by the side. Sir Dino tries to balance a daiquiri on his snout with his tiny arms, while Sir Pentine starts calculating the probability of him succeeding. Patton, in between fits of laughter, narrates a hilarious story about a time he tried to do stand-up comedy for dinosaurs.

While the night sky twinkles above them, the trio, exhausted from all the fun and laughter, slowly drifts off to sleep by the side of the pool.

They are found the next morning, snuggled together, with empty daiquiri glasses beside them. The guests quietly leave, letting the time-traveling dinosaur, the mathematician water snake and the comedian rest after what was undoubtedly the most epic pool party of all time.

Go to Sir Dino’s calendar

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