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The Tragedy of the Melted Candles

Posted in Flowers, Plants & Trees, Garden Features, Hardware & Tools, Landscape & Rural Scenery, and Outdoor Spaces

Maria Bamford gives Sir Dino and Patton Oswalt some of her scented candles after their Amazon delivery melts in a blazing hot mailbox.

In a quaint forest, where the trees whisper secrets of ancient times, a time portal suddenly opens. A bewildered dinosaur named Sir Dino McRex, with a monocle and a pocket watch, steps through. He’s been time-traveling to collect scented candles from different eras. Alongside him is Patton Oswalt, the renowned comedian, who shares the dinosaur’s peculiar hobby.

They eagerly approach a black mailbox, which seems to be a relic from the 21st century. The mailbox flag is down, and they can smell the faint aroma of lavender and vanilla wafting through the air. Sir Dino manages to flip open the mailbox with his tiny arms, revealing a brown padded envelope inside. Patton’s eyes widen as he exclaims, “By the stars! Our Amazon order of scented candles!”

But alas, the joy is short-lived. The dinosaur, with a tear in his eye, realizes that the postman has left their precious package in the blazing hot mailbox all afternoon. The candles have melted into a pool of fragrant wax. Patton cries out in dismay, “Oh, the humanity! Our collection of scents through the ages, reduced to a puddle!”

Sir Dino, ever so wise, pats Patton on the back and says, “Fear not, my dear friend. Time is but a river, and we shall find more candles to light our path.”

Just then, the rustling of leaves catches their attention as the delightful Maria Bamford, a fellow comedian, happens to walk by during her afternoon stroll. She sees the duo, a time-traveling dinosaur and Patton Oswalt, standing forlornly by the mailbox. Curious, she approaches them and asks, “What seems to be the trouble, gentlemen?”

Patton, still in shock, manages to explain the tragedy of the melted scented candles. Maria’s face lights up as she exclaims, “Oh, what a coincidence! I have a collection of scented candles at my house just down the street. You are welcome to have some!”

Sir Dino and Patton exchange glances, their spirits lifted. They graciously accept her offer and follow her down a path lined with trees. As they reach Maria’s house, they are greeted by the aroma of various scents. She hands them an assortment of scented candles, including lavender, vanilla, and even a rare dinosaur-era pine scent.

Sir Dino, overwhelmed with gratitude, tips his monocle to Maria and says, “Madam, you have bestowed upon us a gift most precious. We are eternally grateful.”

As they are about to leave, a kangaroo with a mailman hat and a satchel full of letters hops by. It’s the postman! He stops in front of them and stands up on his hind legs. “I couldn’t help but overhear about the melted candles. I apologize for leaving the package in the mailbox for so long,” the kangaroo postman says with a sincere look on his face.

Patton, still holding the candles Maria gave them, smiles and says, “No harm done, my hopping friend. Thanks to Maria here, our collection is saved!”

The kangaroo postman, relieved, decides to make amends by offering them a special delivery service anytime they need it.

Sir Dino McRex, Patton Oswalt, Maria Bamford and the kangaroo postman then decide to celebrate their newfound friendship with a candle-lighting ceremony under the ancient trees. Sir Dino delights in the exotic and intoxicating aromas that are so unfamiliar to his own prehistoric era, and Patton and Maria feel a sense of camaraderie that transcends time.

They all wave goodbye as Sir Dino steps back through the time portal, promising to return with tales from across the ages. Patton and Maria, inspired by the day’s events, decide to create a comedy sketch about their adventure with the time-traveling dinosaur and the kangaroo postman. As for the kangaroo postman, he hops away with a newfound sense of purpose, vowing to be more careful with his deliveries.

The forest, once just a backdrop to their daily lives, now holds a special place in their hearts as the site of an extraordinary adventure. Years later, Patton and Maria often walk past that same mailbox, and every time they do, they can’t help but smile as the scent of lavender and vanilla wafts through the air, reminding them of the day when time stood still, and they made friends across eras. And somewhere, in another time, a dinosaur with a monocle is telling his fellow dinosaurs tales of the kind humans and the hopping postman, as the scent of candles fills the prehistoric air.

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