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The Misplaced Recycling

Posted in Candy, Snacks & Cupboard Staples, Clothes, Juice & Soft Drinks, and Products & Packaging

Revolting at the disgusting taste of their pumpkin spice lattes, Sir Dino McRex and Patton Oswalt are surprised to find Kyle Kinane’s uncollected recycling, including his empty Oktoberfest beer bottles and Sprite cans, in their pajama drawers.

Sir Dino McRex, the time traveling dinosaur, and Patton Oswalt, the renowned comedian, are sitting in their cozy living room adorned with relics from Sir Dino’s time-traveling adventures. They are both about to start sipping on pumpkin spice lattes and fire up Netflix for a relaxing evening of movies.

The dinosaur, not exactly adapted to human activities, is awkwardly struggling to hold the latte with his tiny arms, and Patton cannot resist making witty remarks about it. They both take a sip and simultaneously make faces of utter disgust. “Holy Dino balls! This taste like a pumpkin got into a fight with a spice rack!” exclaims Sir Dino.

Patton chimes in, “Fucking seriously! And apparently they both lost!”

They agree to pour the drinks down the sink and grab something to eat instead. As they open their snack drawers, they are shocked to find them stuffed with recycling, and upon further inspection, they discover that recycling has been crammed into their sock and pajama drawers as well!

Sir Dino’s drawer is filled with green Sprite cans, transparent plastic containers with assorted lids and a few empty bottles of Oktoberfest beer. Patton’s sock and underwear drawers are similarly filled. The distraught dinosaur, examining the perplexing collection of litter, grumbles with a sigh, “Great Scott! My dino-jammies are buried under this mountain of cans and containers!

Patton is quick to add, Yeah, what’s with all this shit? I don’t remember seeing Fred Sanford stop by! We must solve this recycling riddle!”

Just then, there’s a knock at the door. It’s their neighbor, comedian Kyle Kinane, looking disheveled and holding a craft beer. “Hey guys, sorry to barge in,” he says, “but I think I might know what happened to your pajama drawers.”

“Enlighten us, dear neighbor,” Sir Dino says while sifting through one of the stacks of plastic.

Kyle continues, “Well, I had a bit too much of this fantastic Oktoberfest beer last night, and apparently, I was sleepwalking. The garbage collector refused to pick up my recycling because it wasn’t sorted correctly. I must have sleepwalked over here and stuffed all the uncollected trash into your drawers.”

Patton chuckles as he picks up an empty beer bottle, “I guess we can close the book on this case!”

Sir Dino, still scratching his head, picks up another plastic cup and asks, “But, dear Kyle, why on earth did the garbage collector not pick up your recycling?”

Kyle takes a swig of beer then replies with a shrug, “They said it wasn’t sorted correctly. I swear it was all organized when I put it out, but who knows what kind of crazy shit I get up to whenever I sleepwalk like that. Just be glad I didn’t try to start fixing your sink or playing darts in your house. Could have been a lot more interesting than a few cans and bottles.”

Reaching for the recycling bins, Sir Dino cheerfully declares, “Well, let’s get to sorting then!”

The trio, Sir Dino, Patton and Kyle, spend the next hour sorting through the recycling, making jokes and laughing as they work. They manage to clear out the pajama drawers and properly sort the recycling into separate bins. As they are celebrating their success, Kyle remembers the craft beer he was holding and says, “Hey, guys, thanks for helping me sort this mess. As a token of my appreciation, since those pumpkin spice lattes were a disaster, how about you guys try the last of my Oktoberfest beer? It’s way better than those pumpkin atrocities you were drinking.”

Sir Dino and Patton eagerly agree. They all sit back down in the living room, clink their bottles together, and take a sip. The rich, malty flavor of the Oktoberfest beer is a welcome change from the pumpkin spice lattes.

The time traveling dinosaur raises his bottle and says, “To new friends and the glorious taste of autumn!” Patton and Kyle cheer in agreement. They spend the rest of the evening chatting, laughing, and enjoying their Oktoberfest beer, grateful for the unexpected adventure that brought them together.

And so, Sir Dino McRex, Patton Oswalt and Kyle Kinane became the best of friends and the most diligent recyclers in the neighborhood, all while making sure to never again drink pumpkin spice lattes.

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