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Today Is Election Day

Posted in Bags, Baskets & Suitcases, Boots, Shoes & Footwear, Building & Structural Materials, Clothes, Doors & Windows, and Indoor Spaces

Today is election day! With their Toyota Prius in the shop, Sir Dino and Patton Oswalt take Amtrak and join Rob Huebel and Jason George in urging Virginia to “Vote Blue” on the big day.

At the start of an exciting and historic election day, Sir Dino McRex, the time traveling dinosaur, and Patton Oswalt are bustling around in a cozy hallway nook. Sir Dino, with his scaly skin and a big toothy grin, is trying to make sure he doesn’t forget anything for their big trip. Patton, having quite a lot of experience with these sorts of excursions, is double-checking the tickets for their early morning Amtrak train.

Annoyed by the unexpected change of plans, Sir Dino exclaims, “Oh, Patton! I can’t believe our trusty Prius is in the shop on Election Day!” Patton chuckles and replies, “Well, Sir Dino, the Amtrak will be an adventure! Those passengers are going to shit their pants when they see a dinosaur!”

Sir Dino’s long tail accidentally knocks over his white cane with a red tip, which he uses to navigate through the crowds. He carefully places it back against the wall next to the slightly ajar white door.

Patton is packing a red suitcase with black trim, which is almost as tall as he is! Sir Dino is stuffing some last-minute items into a black bag with a white stripe in the middle, and then he says, “We must rally support for our local candidates! Every vote counts!”

Tying his beige shoes with white laces, Patton nods in agreement. They both take a deep breath, feeling the importance of the day.

As Sir Dino and Patton are about to leave the hallway, they hear a knock on the door. Sir Dino swings it open with a burst of enthusiasm, and there stand Jason George and Rob Huebel, both wearing blue shirts with “Vote Blue” written on them.

Jason says with a charming smile, “Hey guys, we heard you’re heading to Virginia to rally support for the local candidates. We want to join!”

Rob adds, “We can’t let you have all the fun! This is going to be one for the books!” Sir Dino’s eyes light up, and he exclaims, “The more, the merrier!”

They all hustle to the train station, where they catch the Amtrak just in time. The train is filled with the buzz of excited passengers. Sir Dino, towering over the heads of the the commuters, makes friends with everyone he meets.

When they reach Virginia, the group is greeted by a crowd of supporters. They spend the day going door-to-door, talking to people and urging them to “Vote Blue” in the election. Sir Dino, his words booming over the cheers of the spectators, speaks at a gathering, “My fellow Virginians, today is the day to make your voice heard! Let’s vote for a better future!”

Patton, Jason and Rob also give passionate speeches about the importance of voting and supporting the candidates who will work for the community.

With the day turning into night, they gather around a big screen to watch the election results. The atmosphere is electric with anticipation. One by one, the results start coming in, and to their delight, the candidates and issues they were supporting are winning!

Sir Dino McRex can hardly contain his excitement and does a happy dance, his tail swinging wildly. Patton Oswalt is hugging everyone around him, while Jason George and Rob Huebel are high-fiving each other. The crowd erupts into cheers and applause. They all feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in being a part of the democratic process.

Boarding the Amtrak train back home, Sir Dino says, “Friends, today was a good day. We made a difference.” Patton, Jason and Rob nod in agreement. They all make a pact to continue to be active in their communities and encourage others to do the same.

And so, as the train chugs along, they look out the window at the passing scenery, feeling hopeful and determined for the future. Democracy is a lot of work, but it can also be fun.

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