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To Plant or Not to Plant?

Posted in Animals, Cats, Flowers, Plants & Trees, Garden Features, Hardware & Tools, Landscape & Rural Scenery, and Outdoor Spaces

To plant or not to plant? On a lazy “Caturday” afternoon, or “Back to the Future Day” to some,  Martha Stewart brings Sir Dino and Patton Oswalt some herbs in plastic pots, but they cannot decide if they should let Kirsten sleep instead.

Sir Dino McRex, the time traveling dinosaur, is in the garden with his good friend Patton Oswalt. It’s a lazy Saturday afternoon, “Back to the Future Day” according to some people, and they are tidying up a bit outside. Sir Dino is carefully moving around so as not to knock over the terracotta pots with his massive tail, and Patton, a broom in hand, is sweeping the fallen leaves with a comedic flair, making jokes and lightening the mood while they complete their chores.

In a deep, rumbling voice, Sir Dino says, “Ah, the foliage of this era is quite different from the Jurassic period!” as he picks up a leaf to examine it. Patton chuckles and replies, “Well, Sir Dino, you won’t find any brontosaurus-sized plants here!”

Nearby, in a large terracotta pot, Kirsten the cat is curled up and sleeping. Her black fur contrasts with the earthy color of the improvised bed. Sir Dino spots the snoozing feline with his big eyes and says, “By the Triassic period, what a peculiar creature!” Patton smiles and replies, “That’s Kirsten, she’s the queen of this garden.”

They continue to organize the empty flower pots, Sir Dino carefully stacking them with his dexterous claws and Patton arranging them in a neat order. Just then, they see Martha Stewart walking down the street towards them, carrying small plastic containers of herbs.

Martha, with her ever-graceful demeanor, greets them, “Hello Sir Dino and Patton! I brought you some herbs to plant in your garden.” She hands them containers of thyme, lavender and rosemary.

Sir Dino, sniffing the herbs with his giant snout, exclaims, “Ah, the fragrant aroma of these herbs is delightful!” Patton, excitedly, says, “Thanks, Martha! These will be great additions to the garden.”

As they are about to find a home for the miniature plants, they notice Kirsten still sleeping in the large flower pot. Sir Dino and Patton start a debate on whether they should let Kirsten continue her slumber or move her to plant the herbs.

With a thoughtful expression, Sir Dino says, “In my time, we dinosaurs would never disturb a sleeping creature.” Patton, scratching his head, then questions, “But where will we plant these lovely herbs Martha brought?”

Martha suggests with a smile, “Why not use the smaller pots for the herbs?”

They ponder over it but can’t seem to come to a conclusion. The afternoon sun is setting and the air is getting cooler. Sir Dino, protected by his scaly skin, doesn’t seem to mind, but Patton and Martha are feeling the chill.

Patton, finally, throws his hands up in the air and says, “Let’s take a break and think it over with some coffee.” Martha agrees and adds, “I’ve also brought some scones!”

They decide to head inside the house, leaving Kirsten the cat peacefully sleeping in the pot. Inside, they sit around the kitchen table with steaming cups of coffee and freshly baked scones that Martha brought.

While they enjoy their snacks, they chat about gardening, time travel and cats. Sir Dino shares stories of the Jurassic period, and Patton and Martha are fascinated.

Outside, the garden is calm and serene with Kirsten still sleeping in the pot. The herbs wait patiently in their containers.

As the afternoon turns into evening, they all agree that it was a well-spent Saturday afternoon with friends, coffee, scones and a cat in a pot. They realize that sometimes it’s best to let sleeping cats lie and that there will always be time for planting another day.

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