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Stories with Daily Trending Twitter Phrases

Posted in Animals, Beds, Building & Structural Materials, Computers, Phones & Tablets, Dogs, Doors & Windows, Electronics & Gadgets, Furniture & Interior Details, and Indoor Spaces

Zoe Thorogood cheers up Sir Dino and Patton Oswalt, who are farting around on a Saturday the 14th, eating ice cream, drinking craft beer and watching Ali Velshi on their iPad since no one is reading their short stories with daily trending Twitter phrases.

In a quaint room, where time has no meaning, Sir Dino McRex, the time traveling dinosaur, and his quirky human sidekick, Patton Oswalt, find themselves on a rainy Saturday the 14th. The room is enveloped in the soothing sound of raindrops tapping on the window. Sir Dino is wearing a giant robe covered in a kaleidoscope of dog hair, while Patton is in his comfy pajamas.

Their three loyal canine companions, Trouble, Miss Vivi and Tilly (Vanilli), are sprawled across the bed. Trouble, with her curly black fur, is snuggled up against Miss Vivi, who is as white as the first snow. Tilly, with her black and brown coat, is lazily wagging her tail.

Sir Dino is holding an ancient scroll that tells tales of the Mesozoic era, while Patton is animatedly discussing the latest political news. They are both occasionally glancing at an iPad, randomly resting on the coffee table, kitchen counter or whatever location it has happened to last land, from which Ali Velshi is passionately delivering the news.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the front door. Sir Dino, comically gesturing with his limited reach, nudges Patton to answer it. As the door swings open, their dear friend Zoe Thorogood bursts in, her arms filled with stacks of books, a bag full of treats and an infectious smile on her face.

Zoe, a spirited young lady with a knack for storytelling, has come to cheer up Sir Dino and Patton. She heard that no one is reading their short stories that incorporate daily trending Twitter phrases, which they believe to be the pinnacle of modern literature. Ever the endless optimist, she suggests they have a storytelling session right there, with Trouble, Miss Vivi and Tilly (Vanilli) as their audience. They all agree and gather around in a circle.

Sir Dino starts with a tale of how he used the hashtag #ThrowbackThursday to share stories of the Jurassic period. Patton follows with a comedic story that incorporates #TacoTuesday, where he and Sir Dino go on a quest for the perfect taco.

While they share their pleasantly weird and idiosyncratic stories, the dogs wag their tails, and Ali Velshi continues his news report in the background. They laugh, cheer, and the room is filled with joy and camaraderie.

Zoe then surprises them by pulling out tubs of vanilla ice cream and bottles of craft beer from her bag full of treats. Sir Dino’s eyes light up, and Patton’s face breaks into a wide grin. They decide to make this an afternoon of indulgence.

They all help themselves to the tasty ice cream. Even the dogs get a little taste. Sir Dino somehow manages to hold a bottle of craft beer in his tiny arms, and Patton raises his drink to propose a toast to friendship, storytelling and the simple joys of life. The rain continues to pour outside, while the room is filled with the clinking of bottles, the soft hum of Ali Velshi’s voice from the iPad and the contented sighs of friends enjoying each other’s company.

They spend the rest of the afternoon sharing stories, eating vanilla ice cream and sipping craft beer. The dogs, now full and sleepy, snuggle closer to their humans.

As the day turns into evening, they all agree that this rainy Saturday the 14th turned out to be one of the best days ever. In a world where time traveling dinosaurs and humans coexist, they found comfort, joy and magic in each other’s company.

Go to Sir Dino’s calendar

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