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The Not Really Cheesesteak

Posted in Food & Drink, Products & Packaging, and Sandwiches

The time traveling dinosaur, Sir Dino McRex, and Patton Oswalt go to a peace conference in Philadelphia with Senator John Fetterman to quell mob violence when someone puts teriyaki sauce on a sandwich (without cheese) and calls it cheesesteak.

In a bustling street of Philadelphia, the air is thick with tension. An irate and unsettled crowd is in an uproar over a sandwich that has been desecrated with teriyaki sauce. Suddenly, a vortex opens and out steps Sir Dino McRex, a time-traveling dinosaur, along with Patton Oswalt, the renowned comedian and actor.

Sir Dino, with his deep, booming voice, addresses the crowd, “Citizens of Philadelphia, I, Dino McRex, have traveled through the annals of time to rectify this culinary calamity!” He points to the sandwich in question, which is partially wrapped in aluminum foil, with roast beef drenched in teriyaki sauce, mushrooms and onions on toasted bread.

Patton, wearing a peace sign t-shirt, takes the stage next to Sir Dino. He raises his hands and says, “Dear Philadelphians, let’s not let this sandwich tear us apart! Instead, let it be a symbol of unity, as we embrace the diversity of flavors, even if they are as unconventional as teriyaki sauce on a roast beef sandwich!”

Sir Dino nods in agreement and adds, “Indeed, although the cheesesteak reigns supreme in this great city, surely we can make room in our hearts, and pallets, for other sandwiches.”

As the crowd starts to calm down, Senator John Fetterman, a towering figure with a commanding presence, joins Sir Dino and Patton on stage. He holds a document in his hands and addresses the crowd, “People of Philadelphia, I have here a formal resolution to address this sandwich situation and restore calm to our beloved city.”

The crowd goes silent as Senator Fetterman continues, “This resolution proposes that we, the people of Philadelphia, embrace the diversity of sandwich toppings, and create a day of celebration called ‘Unity Sandwich Day’, where we all share sandwiches with unconventional toppings in the spirit of unity and acceptance.”

Moved by the Senator’s words, Sir Dino sheds a single tear that glistens down his scaly cheek. Patton starts a slow clap that turns into a thunderous applause from the crowd. The mob violence quells as people start hugging and shaking hands. The sandwich, once a symbol of division, becomes a symbol of peace and harmony.

Sir Dino, Patton and Senator Fetterman are hailed as heroes. They decide to take the first bite of the sandwich together to reflect their solidarity, and the “City of Brotherly Love” erupts with enthusiastic cheers and shouts of approval.

The resolution is unanimously adopted, and ‘Unity Sandwich Day’ is established. Local sandwich shops and restaurants join in the celebration by giving out free sandwiches with unconventional toppings to everyone in the city.

The streets of Philadelphia are filled with joy and laughter as people from all walks of life come together to share sandwiches and stories. Sir Dino McRex, with his time-traveling wisdom, Patton Oswalt with his humor, and Senator John Fetterman with his leadership, have successfully turned a scene of chaos and disquiet into a triumphant moment of civic fellowship and camaraderie.

As the day comes to an end, Sir Dino prepares to embark on the journey back to his own time. Before he leaves, he turns to the crowd and says, “Remember, my dear Philadelphians, a sandwich is but bread and filling; it is the love that we put into it that makes it special.” With that, Sir Dino steps into a brilliantly flashing time portal and disappears.

Philadelphia continues to celebrate ‘Unity Sandwich Day’ every year, remembering the day a sandwich, a time-traveling dinosaur, a comedian and a senator brought the city together.

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