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The striking Chipmunk

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Patton Oswalt takes Sir Dino McRex, the time traveling dinosaur, to visit his brother, Matt Oswalt, who has invited them to snoop around and determine if a writer on strike is stealing delicious cat food and trying to ruin his afternoon.

In a quaint room, where the scent of history wafts through the air, Sir Dino McRex, the time-traveling dinosaur, and the witty Patton Oswalt find themselves on a peculiar mission. The wooden floor, reminiscent of the ancient forests where Sir Dino once roamed, sets the stage for this thrilling adventure.

Sir Dino surveys the room with a keen eye. His tail swishes back and forth as he contemplates the mysteries of this modern era. Patton, with his sharp wit and endearing charm, is eager to crack the case.

They are at the abode of Patton’s brother, Matt Oswalt, a well-known author, photographer and film lover who has been facing a conundrum of epic proportions – the disappearance of his cat’s delectable food. He has found drafts for several unfinished scripts stuffed in random places, beginning to appear around the middle of the summer, and he is suspicious that a striking writer might be responsible.

In the corner, they spot two metal buckets, relics from a bygone era, stacked like the treasures of yore. The top bucket is brimming with kibbles, the very treasure that has been vanishing. Sir Dino’s nostrils flare as he sniffs the aroma of the kibbles, reminiscent of the prehistoric grains from his time.

Beside the buckets, there lies a mysterious plastic bag, rustling ever so slightly. Being as quiet as he can be, Patton cautiously motions for Sir Dino to come closer. They peer into the bag and, to their astonishment, they find a tiny notebook filled with scripts and a miniature pen.

Suddenly, a deep, baritone voice echoes from behind the buckets. “Ahem, gentlemen, I believe you have stumbled upon my secret stash,” says the voice. They turn to see a chipmunk, clad in a tweed jacket and glasses, perched atop the bucket of kibbles.

Sir Dino, taken aback, exclaims, “By the Cretaceous Period, who might you be?”

The chipmunk has a voice as deep as the Mariana Trench, and he introduces himself as Charles, a screenwriter chipmunk who has been on strike for a few weeks. He is related to the internationally famous group of chipmunk singers, but he chose the path of screenwriting over singing instead, his range much too low for campy pop music covers. Charles explains that he has been using the kibbles to sustain himself since the start of the writer’s strike, although he would give his left nut for a good slice of pizza or even a peanut butter sandwich.

Patton, always quick with a quip, says, “But dry cat food? Man, that’s fucking rough. Well, Charles, I guess cat food is better than no food, but then again you have probably never eaten on an airplane.”

They all share a hearty laugh, and then Matt, who has been observing the whole scene, comes up with an idea. He turns to Charles and says, “How about a part-time job? I could use some help alphabetizing my extensive collection of liquor store photographs. In exchange, you can have all the delicious cat food and other tasty snacks you need. I may even be able to find some peanut butter.”

The chipmunk’s eyes light up at the offer. Patton, being a huge Star Wars fan, adds, “And maybe you can help me fact-check some Star Wars trivia for my next stand-up special!”

Charles, his tiny chipmunk paws clasped over his heart, accepts the offer with gratitude. He vows to be the best photograph alphabetizer and Star Wars fact-checker they have ever seen. They shake hands, or rather, hands and paw, and thus begins a beautiful partnership.

Sir Dino McRex, feeling content that the mystery is solved and harmony is restored, decides it’s time to return to his own era. As he steps into his time portal, he checks his Google time traveling app and says, “Farewell, my friends. May your kibbles always be crunchy and your Star Wars references accurate.” The room fills with a blinding light as he disappears into the portal.

Matt, Patton and Charles, now a team, get to work in the cozy room, bonding over photographs of old liquor stores and Star Wars trivia, as the corner of the room that once held just buckets and a trash bag becomes a hub of creativity and friendship.

And so, the adventure concludes with new alliances formed, cat food secured, and the promise of many exciting scripts and Star Wars references to come.

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