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The Mob of GMO Clones

Posted in Branding & Logos, Furniture & Interior Details, Knickknacks, Sculpture & Decoration, and Products & Packaging

Stanley Donwood comes to the aid of Sir Dino McRex and Patton Oswalt and hypnotizes a rampaging mob of GMO Thom Yorke clones by harnessing the power of his graphic artwork.

In a bustling cityscape, the air crackles as a time portal opens and out steps Sir Dino McRex, a dapper dinosaur with a pocket watch dangling from his vest. He’s from the Jurassic era but has a penchant for time travel. Patton Oswalt, the renowned comedian, joins him, wielding a microphone that doubles as a laser sword.

They find themselves in the midst of chaos as a mob of genetically modified Thom Yorke clones, delinquent and destructive copies of the lead singer of Radiohead, are defacing corporate logos and branding with spray paint and markers. The clones are on a mission to create a world where no one can identify generic products or be seduced by the irresistible allure of profit hungry capitalism.

Sir Dino, his tail swishing, spots a vintage Coca-Cola sign being defaced by a GMO clone. The activist vandal is painting over the iconic logo with abstract art. Sir Dino roars, “By the scales of the ancient ones, this shan’t pass!” He knocks the clone away with his mighty tail as it cries a haunting melody.

Meanwhile, Patton is delivering sharp one-liners and zapping clones with his laser sword microphone. “You guys are out of tune with society!” he quips.

Sir Dino and Patton fight valiantly, but the mob of clones seems endless. Suddenly, a door from a nearby building bursts open and Stanley Donwood, a renowned graphic artist known for his fascination with maps, rushes out to help bring the situation under control. He’s holding a large, beautifully illustrated book of his artwork.

Stanley shouts, “Sir Dino, Patton, shield your eyes!” He opens the book to reveal the colorful and thought provoking pages. The Thom Yorke clones stop in their tracks, their eyes fixated on the book. They are being hypnotized by Stanley’s artwork, which is so captivating that it renders them motionless.

Sir Dino takes this opportunity to gather the subdued replicas  into a manageable herd, while Patton uses his laser sword microphone to create a force field around them. Stanley, still holding the book open, approaches Sir Dino and Patton. “Gentlemen, I believe my artwork has given us the upper hand. What shall we do with these clones?”

Sir Dino, ushering the last Thom Yorke towards the drove of duplicate frontmen, suggests, “Let’s send them to a time where their creativity can be used for good, not chaos.”

With a knowing nod, Stanley flips to a page in his book with a map of  quantum destinations, and Sir Dino opens a portal bridging time and space. Patton, making sure to slip in the odd witty comment or two, deftly guides the hypnotized Thom Yorke clones through the entrance to the Renaissance period, where their creativity can flourish positively and they can be free of the intrusive distractions from aggressive marketing campaigns.

While the commotion abates and all of the relieved citizens come out of hiding, the corporate overlords, who had been watching from their skyscrapers, descend to the wrecked and untidy mess of the street levels where the commoners reside. They approach Sir Dino McRex, Patton Oswalt and Stanley Donwood with a somber expression. The head of the corporate overlords speaks, “We have witnessed the chaos that can ensue when creativity is stifled and branding becomes too powerful. We vow to be more considerate and foster an environment where creativity and branding can coexist without overpowering each other.”

Sir Dino, pleased with this development, extends his claw for a handshake. “May this be the dawn of a new era where corporations and creativity thrive in harmony.”

They all shake hands (and claws) in agreement, and the corporate overlords then pledge to use their resources for the betterment of society. A promise is made to be more transparent, to contribute to environmental causes and to ensure fair wages for their workers. The crowd erupts in cheers, and Stanley creates a mural on the side of the corporate building symbolizing unity and positive change.

As the city begins to rebuild, Sir Dino McRex and Patton Oswalt bid them all farewell, step into a time portal and vanish, their mission complete.

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