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An Evening at the Windmill

Posted in Architecture, City & Urban Scenery, Outdoor Spaces, and Water Features

In this story, Sir Dino, the time traveling dinosaur, and Patton Oswalt meet Doug Benson and Todd Glass for a night of laughter, appel-stroopwafel and beer at Brouwerij ‘t IJ in Amsterdam.

As Sir Dino McRex, the time-traveling dinosaur, and Patton Oswalt, the renowned comedian, stroll along a serene canal in Amsterdam, they are in awe of the enchanting twilight sky. The sky is painted in shades of deep blue, and the air is crisp. Sir Dino, with his top hat and monocle, exclaims in his British accent, “By the Jurassic period, what a splendid evening!”

Patton, marveling at the vibrant colors of the sunset, cheerfully responds, “Indeed, Sir Dino! This place is as delightful as this appel-stroopwafel!” as he takes a bite of the delicious Dutch treat that they have only just bought from a street vendor.

Making their way along the canal side, they spot an historic windmill standing tall and proud. It’s centuries-old blades seem to whisper stories of the past. Sir Dino, with his tail swaying, says, “Ah, the windmill, a marvel of human ingenuity! It reminds me of the giant ferns from my time.”

Patton chuckles and says, “Well, it’s no T-Rex, but it’s got its own charm!”

They admire the windmill, surrounded by leafless trees that dance in the breeze, and the quaint building nearby with lights glowing warmly through the windows.

Suddenly, they spot two familiar figures approaching from the opposite direction along the canal. It’s Doug Benson and Todd Glass, both comedians like Patton, and they seem to be in high spirits. “Doug! Todd! Fancy meeting you here!” exclaims Patton, as they all greet each other with hearty handshakes.

Doug says in his laid-back demeanor, “We’re on our way to the brewery, the Brouwerij ‘t IJ, inside that windmill. Care to join us?”

Sir Dino, intrigued by the idea of tasting human beverages, eagerly responds, “A brewery inside a windmill? How positively prehistoric! Lead the way, gentlemen!”

Gleefully munching on the last of the warm, gooey appel-stroopwafel, the group shares stories and laughter as they slowly walk towards the windmill. Todd, known for his energetic personality, keeps everyone entertained with his humorous anecdotes.

Upon reaching their destination, they are greeted by the aroma of brewing hops. The interior of the windmill is a cozy space with wooden barrels and a rustic charm. They all sit at a table, and Sir Dino, not accustomed to chairs, perches on a barrel.

They order a round of the local brew and raise their glasses in a toast. “To new friends, old windmills, and timeless adventures!” they cheer.

As the night grows late, the group decides to head back to their hotel. However, they realize they are not quite sure of the way back. Just then, a small voice pipes up, “Excuse me, sirs, do you need assistance?”

They look down to see a tiny hedgehog with a map in its paws. Sir Dino, delighted, exclaims, “Why, hello there, little fellow!”

The hedgehog introduces himself as Harold, a resident of Flevopark. He offers to guide them back to their hotel, and with Harold leading the way, they  navigate through the charming waterways of of Amsterdam, traversing the hushed labyrinth of crisscrossing streets and bridges. The city is peaceful, with the gentle sound of the canal waters and the whisper of the night breeze.

When they reach their hotel, Sir Dino bends down to Harold and says, “Thank you, kind sir. Your assistance has been invaluable.”

Before they part ways, Harold tips his tiny hat and replies, “Anytime, Sir Dino. Have a good night!”

They each bid Harold farewell as he scurries off into the maze of quietly shimmering canals.

Inside the hotel, they all agree that it has been an unforgettable evening. They retire to their rooms, with Sir Dino McRex making a makeshift bed from pillows and blankets, as the human beds are far too small for a dinosaur.

Settling into his cozy bed, Patton Oswalt says, “This night was something else! Windmills, breweries, and a hedgehog guide! What more could you ask for?”

Sir Dino, tucking himself in, responds, “Indeed, my dear Patton. It’s been an adventure for the ages.”

They wish each other goodnight and drift off to sleep, dreaming of windmills, canals, and the delightful friends they made along the way. And so, the night in Amsterdam concludes with hearts full of joy and memories that transcend time.

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